Valentine’s Day, you either love it or hate it. Some people would say valentines’ Day is the day of love that should be celebrated. It could be a day to have 10 seconds of courage to ask that woman out on a date already! Maybe you need to practice self-care and treat yourself to a day of you. Either way, let’s try not to dwell, and let’s make it fun.

If you have a date here are 5 tips to make sure your valentine’s day doesn’t suck…

  1. Thought- Really put some thought into your plans. Make sure you are taking her someplace she will actually enjoy. (not to the sports bar with hundreds of other men yelling and screaming at a tv) Treat her to a night of luxury, or a night she won’t soon forget. You want to make her feel seen and heard.
  1. Unique- Make this day different from all the rest or different from any other usual date night you have. Make sure it is something she likes and has wanted to try. 
  1. Personal- Try to get a gift that is personal to her (not just flowers and candy that 20 other men just bought) personalise these gifts with her favorite color, scent, or book. This will make her know that you care and listen to her.
  1. Romantic- Make this night romantic for her. Open doors, pull out her chair, and talk with her. Let her know that chivalry is not dead. Go back and review my chivalry blog if you need some tips
  1. Fun- Have Fun, make sure to have fun, laugh and smile with each other. 

Valentine’s day does not have to be stressful, scary, corporate, or hide if you’re single and alone kind of day. It may be cheezy or cliche to ask someone to be your valentine. Especially in the world we live in where everyone dates online. That is precisely why we need to bring it back. Be a little vulnerable men. She will appreciate it and you will stand out.   

If you’re single, this is the perfect opportunity to have a night with friends or have a night to yourself and recharge your batteries. Men are allowed some self-care. Take yourself out and enjoy a meal or a movie. Do an activity you’ve always wanted to do, which in turn helps build your confidence FYI. Stay in and enjoy a hobby.    

Valentine’s day is here to stay, embrace it and see what happens.     

Bonus Dating Tip: The love language guide to date night, will work for Valentine’s day as well. Go to my website and sign up for the 25 Love Language Date Nights pop-up.


5 Tips to Making Your Valentine’s Day Not Suck

February 13, 2023