In this week’s episode, I tackle your questions regarding image, sex and dating! I answer four questions regarding helping a friend heal before getting into a new relationship, spicing up your sex, talking about opening up a monogamous relationship and discussing a fantasy with a partner! 

This week is all about communication, enjoy! 

Please tell us your thoughts about the Q&A over on Instagram @celestemooreimage, and look forward to more of these in the future!

In this week’s episode we discuss:

[2:21] Question 1: (Tara) – How can I get my friend to see a therapist before he gets into another relationship?

[4:45] Question 2: (Matt) – My girlfriend is boring me in the bedroom and I am considering cheating, what should I do? 

[7:43] Question 3: (Johnny)- I am in a monogamous relationship but I no longer want to be in one. How do I talk to my partner about this? 

[10:11] Question 4: (Gill)- How do I gauge if my partner would be into cuckholding or not?

Question 1: (Tara) – How can I get my friend to see a therapist before he gets into another relationship?

You can’t make an adult do anything but you can have a conversation. I recommend pointing out some of the patterns or asking him to notice them and make it clear that you’re coming from a really loving place. Have him see that usually the common denominator is him or “us” and that seeing those patterns before starting something new is really helpful to his future. 

Question 2: (Matt) – My girlfriend is boring me in the bedroom and I am considering cheating, what should I do? 

My first suggestion is communication. Knowing what she’s not willing to do, ask her what she is willing to do? Bring up ideas such as role play or toy play and give her the idea of experimenting with herself to see what she likes. Maybe she’s a bit uneducated in the sex department and you need to freshen things up with some lingerie or a hotel night. Being committed to not cheating, use communication to let her know that you are not satisfied and that you need more and see how she responds. 

Question 3: (Johnny)- I am in a monogamous relationship but I no longer want to be in one. How do I talk to my partner about opening up our relationship? 

Again I want to emphasize communication and also ask, does she know she is the first monogamous relationship you’ve had? If so, that’s a good start and also looking into your intentions for wanting to open the relationship and discussing that with her. 

Try to find a way to have this conversation where you are both not getting defensive and she gets the opportunity to fully hear you because this is a five year relationship and she deserves that. Maybe she will be really into this new idea and maybe not and that will take some contemplating on both your parts to move forward. I would also recommend connecting with a therapist that can sit with you both and look into where this idea is coming from. 

I am not judging you because I do not believe that monogamy is for everyone but your partner and the length of time you’ve given each other is deserving of some introspection before going forward. 

Question 4: (Gill)- How do I gauge if my partner would be into cuckholding or not?

More on communicating which makes a lot of sense since it can be really hard to have these conversations especially when we’ve been together for a long time. Relationships evolve and we become interested in new things so it’s always good to continue to share these things with each other. 

Explaining to her how this fantasy came about and also educating her on it through some porn if she doesn’t understand. If she is into it make sure to have some really good rules in place so that you don’t go beyond a boundary. This could be a lot of fun and something exciting that makes for an even longer lasting relationship and love. 


Talk Dirty To Me Q&A: Hard Conversations with a Friend, Spicing Up Your Sex Life, Opening Up a Monogamous Relationship and Fantasies

July 3, 2023