In this week’s episode, I tackle your questions regarding image, sex and dating! I answered four questions regarding the best way to find the right partner for you, how to open up to your partner about orgasms, ways to explore sex outside of the bedroom, and how to find a willing third party for a threesome. This episode is a juicy one, enjoy!

Please reach out and tell us your thoughts about the Q&A over on Instagram @celestemooreimage and don’t forget to rate and review if you love the podcast!

In this week’s episode we discuss:

[01:49] Question 1: (Drew) – What is the best way to find the right partner for me?

[05:04] Question 2: (Lu) – My boyfriend rarely gives me an orgasm, how do I talk to him about it?

[06:41] Question 3: (Corey) – I want to have sex outside of the bedroom, where do you recommend?

[08:23] Question 4: (Stefan) – How do I find a willing third party for a threesome?

Question 1: (Drew) – What is the best way to find the right partner for me?

My first suggestion is to make sure that you know what you want out of your relationship. Your values, beliefs, what you want in life, and sexual lifestyle all need to align (not perfectly, because there is always compromise in a relationship.) Remember that you cannot change what anyone wants or believes in. This is where it’s important to have 3-5 core deal-breakers before you start dating. 

You should also write a list of attributes you desire in a woman and get as specific as possible. Do you want a loving, nurturing, and warm woman? Do you want someone adventurous? Someone to watch football with you on game days? This will also help you figure out where you could start meeting her. The sooner and more clear you are with who you are, the sooner you’ll find what you are looking for. 

Question 2: (Lu) – My boyfriend rarely gives me an orgasm, how do I talk to him about it?

If you love your boyfriend, then you need to be open and tell him what gets you off. It’s learning how to communicate with him without being ashamed to voice exactly what you want and being scared of hurting his feelings. Men who love their ladies want to please them, so the next time you are getting turned on, tell him what you would like him to do for you in detail. Your orgasms matter just as much as his.

Question 3: (Corey) – I want to have sex outside of the bedroom, where do you recommend?

My suggestion would be to start small to see if this aligns with her. You could rent a limo, take her to a fabulous dinner, then on the way back ask the driver to put the partition up but keep it cracked a bit. This way it’s a possibility that he could be watching you make out or getting super turned on. You could also sneak on the side of a building and make out or find a clean unisex bathroom stall and have sex in there. There are also sex clubs that you can go to and either participate or just watch. 

Question 4: (Stefan) – How do I find a willing third party for a threesome?

If your partner is open to it, there are numerous alternative websites for people who want to explore sexuality and play. You can also find an escort on a legitimate website in your local city or on vacation so it’s not so close to home. There are also sex clubs where this is acceptable but make sure you know the rules before you go. My last suggestion would be to have it with someone you know. But this might ruin a friendship because of jealousy etc. so keep that in mind. Get creative and have fun!


Talk Dirty To Me Q&A: Finding The Right Partner, Communicating About Orgasms, Exploring Exhibitionism, and Threesomes

October 2, 2023