In this week’s episode I am honored to interview a legend, Christina Flach. Among all of her accolades, Christina is a makeup artist for NBC and she is coming out with a skincare and makeup line aimed towards busy people.

I learned so much including why trends are overrated, how all of the celebrities she has worked with have impacted her and why it should be normal for men to wear makeup now. 

I think you will really love my interview with Christina, enjoy! 

In this week’s episode, we discuss:

[1:18] About Christina Flach

[2:17] How Christina got into the beauty industry

[5:43] Christina’s new skincare and makeup line called “I’m Too Busy” 

[10:55] What Christina has heard the most from men regarding women wearing makeup

[15:46] Christina’s strong intuition when helping people 

[17:47] Who the new skincare line is for

[23:41] Are there any cool spring colors trending right now? 

[28:05] How the people Christina has had in her chair have impacted her career 

[33:30] Is it more normal for men to wear makeup now? 

[42:22] What makeup regime are you so attached to that you’re unwilling to change it? 

[48:12] Christina’s favorite date 

About Christina Flach

Christina is a world renowned celebrity makeup artist with experience working with celebrity clientele, magazines, and big name brands. She has been featured in Vogue, People, Time, and Elle, as well as campaigns for Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, and Bloomingdales. She is also the makeup artist on NBC.

How Christina got into the beauty industry

She started doing makeup on friends and family and then that transitioned to weddings and proms. From there, the trajectory of her career changed when she started giving her images to agents and getting signed with them. Christina has three agents at this point and she has been doing this for 20 years. 

Christina’s new skincare and makeup line called “I’m Too Busy” 

Her and her partner, Jordan Hall, are starting this line together for people like herself who are just too busy for all the products that get sold to them. She hears stories about people going to the department stores and buying all these products they don’t know how to use. She wants her line to be very compact with what a person needs to look like the best version of themselves in five minutes. 

She says there is no excuse for not having good health inside and out even if you are busy. There are so many choices you can make in your day, when you’re traveling or at home to change the way you look and feel. 

What Christina has heard the most from men regarding women wearing makeup

Her partner mostly likes her with makeup but not overly done up. She will have heavier makeup for a dinner or party but her day to day simple five minute makeup is her best. 

Christina’s strong intuition when helping people 

Christina finds that this is intuitive for her and it’s one of her superpowers. When someone comes in and they are not in the best mood, she has a trick for rubbing their hands with lavender oil to relax them. She really wants to make sure everyone that sits in her chair leaves feeling good. 

Who the new skincare line is for

The new skincare line is for all genders because typically men don’t have a skincare routine so having an easy one for busy people will make it easier for them to use too.  

Are there any cool spring colors trending right now? 

Christina believes that trends are great but they’re main intention is to have you buy more stuff. It’s best to find out what works for you and stick to that. Find what makes you feel confident and highlights your qualities. Makeup shouldn’t be a distraction and although the Instagram and TikTok trends are fun, people don’t have the time for that. 

How the people Christina has had in her chair have impacted her career 

Christina feels extremely blessed that she has been able to have all of these famous people in her chair and get to learn new things from them. She believes that everyone has something to teach you and she is curious and excited about everyone she gets to meet. The most famous people she gets to help aren’t always the ones she gets the closest to and each person shares a fascinating story. 

Is it more normal for men to wear makeup now? 

Christina hopes it would be but some men still feel very uncomfortable with makeup. She recommends that men make sure to hydrate and protect their skin with sunscreen with a little tint because that will hide the imperfections. 

If a man is on TV in a professional capacity, they are wearing makeup but if the artist has done a good job you won’t see it. She focuses on hydration and makes sure to conceal the eyelid and underneath the eye with some concealer for any discoloration. Showcasing their features including their smile and eyes helps. Overall Christina believes happiness, joy and love in your heart is most important. 

What makeup regime are you so attached to that you’re unwilling to change it? 

Christina finds it very interesting when people are controlling in her chair and won’t be open to something new and different. They hire her to be the expert and sometimes they just want to do what they have been doing. This shows attachment and unwillingness to see yourself differently. 

She challenges the audience to think about this for themselves and ask themselves why? Christina also goes on to urge people to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because it’s one of the best things she’s ever learned in her life. 

Christina’s favorite date 

Her guy took her indoor skydiving in Arizona. She was so scared of heights but it ended up being so fun and she even did it more times than she expected to. Again, it was being comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

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Creating a Simple Beauty Regimen with Christina Flach

July 17, 2023